オランダ海軍フリゲート「トロンプ」入港 ブーゼコム艦長のスピーチ
- 防衛省関連
2024-6-10 22:22
HNLMS Tromp is excited to have arrived in Nagasaki. Konnichiwa!
We departed for our 6 month around-the-world tour on the 9th of March. Our visit to Japan marks the end of a successful deployment in the Indo Pacific region, and it marks the enduring and evolving friendship between Japan and The Netherlands.
Our presence in the Indo Pacific affirms the Netherlands commitment to promoting stability, maritime security and rule of law at sea. The Air Defense and Command Frigate, together with the helicopter, is capable of conducting various tasks in the maritime environment. It is even more important to conduct these tasks with our partners, such as the Japanese Navy. Yesterday we conducted an exercise with JS Akebono. It was an honor to train with the professional crew and I thank Commanding Officer CDR Nishioka for the possibility of a cross pollination.
The crew and myself are very much looking forward to the port visit here in Nagasaki. We will learn about the history of the early Dutch trading settlement in this region. We will explore the Japanese culture and its delicious food. But most important, we will meet the people of Japan and build new friendships.
Domo Arigato
HNLMSトロンプ艦長 イヴォンヌ・ファン・ブーゼコム
HNLMS Tromp – CDR Yvonne van Beusekom
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