石破総理がトランプ大統領と会談 日米の安全保障協力はこれまでどおり強化の方針(2月8日)
- 日本の防衛
2025-2-9 13:05
おもな行程は、ロナルド・トランプ米大統領との日米首脳会談 (現地時間2月7日)、スコット・ベッセント米国財務長官による石破総理への表敬 (同)、アーリントン国立墓地訪問 (同)の3つで、そのうち日米首脳会談では日米の安全保障について広範な話題が取り上げられ、共同声明に盛り込まれた。
現地時間2月7日、午前11時55分(日本時間2月8日、午前1時55分)から計約1時間50分間、米国・ワシントンD. C. を訪問中の石破茂内閣総理大臣は、ドナルド・トランプ米国大統領(The Honorable Donald J. Trump, President of the United States of America)と対面で初めてとなる会談を行ったところ、概要は以下のとおりです。
1 冒頭、石破総理大臣から、米国は日本の外交・安全保障にとって最も重要な国であり、トランプ大統領との間で、日米同盟を更なる高みに引き上げ、「自由で開かれたインド太平洋」の実現に向けて共に協力していきたい旨述べました。
2 両首脳は、厳しく複雑な安全保障環境に関する情勢認識を共有し、「自由で開かれたインド太平洋」の実現に向けて緊密に協力し、日米同盟を新たな高みに引き上げていくことを確認しました。
3 両首脳は、日米同盟の抑止力・対処力を高め、日米が直面する地域の戦略的課題に緊密に連携の上、対処していくことで一致しました。石破総理大臣からは、日本の防衛力の抜本的強化への揺るぎないコミットメントが表明され、トランプ大統領はこれを歓迎しました。
4 トランプ大統領は、米国による核を含むあらゆる能力を用いた、日本の防衛に対する米国の揺るぎないコミットメントを強調しました。両首脳は、日米安全保障条約第5条が尖閣諸島に適用されることを改めて確認しました。また、両首脳は、
5 両首脳は、日本が5年連続で最大の対米投資国であることを始め、経済面でも両国が緊密なパートナーであることを確認しました。石破総理大臣から、対米投資額を1兆ドルという未だかつてない規模まで引き上げたい、そのために共に取り組んでいきたいとの意思を伝え、トランプ大統領から、日本企業による対米投資に対する強い歓迎の言葉がありました。
6 その上で、両首脳は、両国におけるビジネス環境を整備して投資・雇用を拡大していくこと、互いに産業を強化するとともにAIや先端半導体等の技術分野における開発で世界をリードすること、また、成長するインド太平洋の活力を取り込む取組を力強く推進していくことを通じて、日米のパートナーシップを更に高い次元に引き上げていくとの認識で一致しました。また、双方に利のある形で、日本へのLNG輸出増加も含め、両国間でエネルギー安全保障の強化に向けて協力していくことを確認しました。
7 両首脳は、地域情勢について意見交換を行いました。
8 両首脳は、日米豪印、日米韓、日米比といった同志国連携を更に強化していくことの重要性を確認しました。
9 両首脳は、かつてなく強固になった日米関係を維持・強化すべく、引き続き日米で緊密に連携していくことで一致し、日米首脳共同声明を発出しました。
10 最後に、石破総理大臣はトランプ大統領に、早期の日本への公式訪問を招待しました。
United States-Japan Joint Leaders’ Statement
February 7, 2025
President Donald J. Trump and Prime Minister Ishiba Shigeru held their first official meeting today in Washington, D.C., where they affirmed their determination to pursue a new golden age for U.S.- Japan relations that upholds a free and open Indo-Pacific and brings peace and prosperity to a violent and disorderly world.
U.S.-Japan Cooperation for Peace
The two leaders expressed their shared desire for bilateral security and defense cooperation under the U.S.-Japan Treaty of Mutual Cooperation and Security to grow stronger than ever, and emphasized that the U.S.-Japan Alliance remains the cornerstone of peace, security and prosperity in the Indo-Pacific and beyond. Japan reiterated its unwavering commitment to fundamentally reinforce its own defense capabilities, which the United States welcomed.
The United States underscored its unwavering commitment to the defense of Japan, using its full range of capabilities, including nuclear capabilities. The two leaders reaffirmed that Article V of the U.S.-Japan Treaty of Mutual Cooperation and Security applies to the Senkaku Islands, and reiterated their strong opposition to any action that seeks to undermine Japan’s longstanding and peaceful administration of the Senkaku Islands.
In line with the U.S.-Japan Treaty of Mutual Cooperation and Security and the U.S.-Japan Guidelines for Defense Cooperation, Japan reaffirmed its role in maintaining peace and security in the Indo-Pacific region by seamlessly responding to any situation from peacetime to contingencies. This has been further enabled by Japan’s 2015 Legislation for Peace and Security, which enhances U.S.-Japan Alliance deterrence and response capabilities.
In order to address an increasingly severe and complex security environment, the two leaders confirmed that they intend to further strengthen U.S.-Japan deterrence and response capabilities by enhancing defense and security cooperation, including by upgrading the respective command and control frameworks of U.S. and Japanese forces, increasing bilateral presence in Japan’s Southwest Islands, increasing readiness through more realistic training and exercises, further enhancing U.S. extended deterrence, and promoting defense equipment and technology cooperation, including co- production, co-development, and co-sustainment that bolsters allied supply chains and strengthens U.S. and Japanese defense industrial capacity, including maritime. The United States and Japan intend to continue their strong partnership in civil space and on aeronautics, science, and human exploration, including on the upcoming Crew-10 mission to the International Space Station that includes U.S. and Japanese astronauts as well as lunar surface exploration on future Artemis missions. The United States and Japan also intend to expand bilateral security cooperation in cyberspace by leveraging new technologies such as artificial intelligence and secure and resilient cloud services to deepen information-sharing. The United States welcomed Japan’s commitment, underpinned by a favorable trend of its defense budget increase, to building capabilities by FY 2027 to consolidate its primary responsibility for defending Japan, and, building on this significant foundation, to fundamentally reinforcing its defense capabilities beyond FY 2027.
In order to maintain deterrence and mitigate the impact on local communities, the two leaders confirmed the vital importance of the steady implementation of the realignment of U.S. forces in Japan in accordance with the Okinawa Consolidation Plan, including the construction of the Futenma Replacement Facility at Henoko and the return of Marine Corps Air Station (MCAS) Futenma.
The two leaders instructed their foreign and defense ministers to convene a Security Consultative Committee (SCC: “2+2”) meeting at an early date to implement the above-mentioned cooperation in an expeditious manner.
U.S.-Japan Cooperation for Growth and Prosperity
The two leaders affirmed that bilateral economic cooperation, including on economic security, forms an indispensable part of Alliance cooperation. As close economic partners, the United States and Japan provide the largest amount of foreign direct investment and create high quality jobs in each other’s countries. Industries of both countries continue to play a vital role for each other’s supply chains.
To chart an unwavering course for strengthening economic ties and elevating the economic partnership to the next level, the two leaders will seek to: promote business opportunities and significantly increase bilateral investment and employment; strengthen their industrial bases and collaborate to lead the world in developing critical technologies such as AI, quantum computing, and leading-edge semiconductors; enhance efforts to counter and build resilience against economic coercion; and jointly promote growth in the Indo-Pacific region underpinned by a free and fair economic order. They also resolved to continue discussions on aligning policies to further promote and protect critical and sensitive technologies, including through export controls, and to enhance supply chain resilience. With a shared commitment to the integrity of travel systems that underpin economic prosperity, they intend to strengthen efforts to vet travelers and routinely and securely share information to combat technology theft, travel by criminals, and illegal immigration.
The two leaders announced their intention to strengthen energy security by unleashing the United States’ affordable and reliable energy and natural resources, and by increasing exports of U.S. liquefied natural gas to Japan in a mutually beneficial manner. They also welcomed efforts to diversify critical minerals supply chains and to collaborate on developing and deploying cutting- edge small modular reactor and other advanced nuclear reactor technology.
The two leaders instructed their relevant ministers in charge to strengthen U.S.-Japan economic cooperation to achieve these shared goals.
U.S.-Japan Coordination in the Indo-Pacific
The two leaders shared views on the severe and complex security environment and expressed their determination to continuously cooperate to realize a free and open Indo-Pacific. As part of such cooperation, the two leaders intend to advance multilayered and aligned cooperation among like- minded countries, including Japan-Australia-India-U.S. (Quad), Japan-U.S.-Republic of Korea (ROK), Japan-U.S.-Australia, and Japan-U.S.-Philippines. Through these relationships, the United States, Japan, and like-minded partners can deliver high quality infrastructure investments in the region, including the deployment of Open Radio Access Networks in third countries.
The two leaders reiterated their strong opposition to any attempts by the People’s Republic of China (PRC) to change the status quo by force or coercion in the East China Sea. The two leaders reaffirmed their strong opposition to the PRC’s unlawful maritime claims, militarization of reclaimed features, and threatening and provocative activities in the South China Sea.
The two leaders emphasized the importance of maintaining peace and stability across the TaiwanStrait as an indispensable element of security and prosperity for the international community. Theyencouraged the peaceful resolution of cross-Strait issues, and opposed any attempts to unilaterallychange the status quo by force or coercion. The two leaders also expressed support for Taiwan’smeaningful participation in international organizations.
The two leaders expressed their serious concerns over and the need to address North Korea’s nuclearand missile programs and reaffirmed their resolute commitment to the complete denuclearization ofNorth Korea. Both countries underscored the need to deter and counter North Korea’s maliciouscyber activities and North Korea’s increasing military cooperation with Russia. In addition, bothcountries affirmed the importance of the Japan-U.S.-ROK trilateral partnership in responding toNorth Korea and upholding regional peace and prosperity. Japan reiterated its determination toachieve an immediate resolution of the abductions issue, which the United States supported.
Invitation to Visit Japan
President Trump accepted an invitation from Prime Minister Ishiba for an official visit to Japan in the near future.
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