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  • 日本の防衛

2024-10-22 19:30





 10月16日、韓国・ソウルにおいて、岡野正敬外務事務次官は、カート・キャンベル米国国務副長官(The Honorable Kurt M. Campbell, Deputy Secretary of State of the United States)、金烘均(キム・ホンギュン)韓国外交部第一次官(His Excellency Kim Hong Kyun, 1st Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs)との間で日米韓次官協議を行いました。概要は以下のとおりです。


1  三者は、キャンプ・デービッドで行われた日米韓首脳会合から一年の間に、幅広い分野でグローバルに日米韓の連携が進展したことを確認しました。

2  三者は、北朝鮮による核・ミサイル活動は、地域の安全保障にとって重大かつ差し迫った脅威であり、国際社会に対する明白かつ深刻な挑戦であるとの認識を改めて共有するとともに、露朝間の軍事協力の進展に対する重大な懸念が継続していることを確認しました。また、北朝鮮による最近の動向も踏まえた現下の情勢について率直な意見交換を行い、連携して対応することで一致しました。その上で、関連する国連安保理決議に従った北朝鮮の完全な非核化に向け、日米韓の安全保障協力を含む地域の抑止力・対処力の強化に加え、今般、新たに立ち上げられた多国間制裁監視チーム(MSMT)を含む同志国との取組や安保理における対応等について、引き続き緊密に連携することを再確認しました。また、岡野次官から、拉致問題の即時解決について、引き続きの理解と協力を求め、両国から一貫した支持を得ていることに謝意を表明しました。

3  三者は、東シナ海及び南シナ海情勢を含む地域情勢についても議論を行い、力による一方的な現状変更の試みを許してはならないとの認識を共有しました。また、台湾海峡の平和と安定が重要との認識を改めて確認しました。

4  さらに三者は 、日米韓で連携して、「自由で開かれたインド太平洋」の実現に向けた取組を進めるとともに、国際社会の平和と安定を確保することで一致しました。

5  三者は、ロシアによるウクライナ侵略や中東情勢についても有意義な意見交換を行い、日米韓で引き続き連携していくことで一致しました。

6  三者は、サプライチェーン強靭化や重要・新興技術の保護・育成を含む経済安全保障等についても意見交換し、これらの分野での日米韓の協力を進めていくことを改めて確認しました。













Joint Statement on the Republic of Korea-U.S.-Japan Trilateral Vice Foreign Ministerial Meeting

The following is the joint statement released by the Vice Foreign Ministers of the Republic of Korea and Japan and the Deputy Secretary of State of the United States.

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The 1st Vice Foreign Minister of the Republic of Korea Kim Hong Kyun, the Deputy Secretary of State of the United States of America Kurt M. Campbell, and the Vice Minister for Foreign Affairs of Japan Okano Masataka met in Seoul on October 16, 2024. This second meeting of the year of the Vice Ministers and the Deputy Secretary highlights our shared commitment to upholding the spirit and principles made during the Trilateral Leaders’ Summit at Camp David. The Republic of Korea, the United States, and Japan stand united in our shared values to address common regional and global challenges and promote human rights, democracy, security and prosperity in the Indo-Pacific region and beyond.

The Vice Ministers and the Deputy Secretary welcomed the progress made across multiple lines of efforts to broaden the scope of our trilateral partnership in the Indo-Pacific region, including through the trilateral Indo-Pacific Dialogue. They applauded the successful inaugural trilateral multi-domain exercise Freedom Edge and the signing of the Memorandum of Cooperation on the Trilateral Security Cooperation Framework that illustrate the three countries’ shared commitment to enhance peace and stability throughout the region.

The Vice Ministers and the Deputy Secretary strongly condemned the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea’s continued belligerent rhetoric and violations of multiple United Nations Security Council (UNSC) resolutions through continued development of its nuclear and ballistic missile programs as well as ballistic missile launches and other provocative actions. They reaffirmed their commitment to the complete denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula in accordance with UNSC resolutions. The Deputy Secretary reiterated that the United States’ commitments to the defense of the ROK and Japan are ironclad, and reaffirmed the United States’ commitment to strengthen extended deterrence provided through the ROK-U.S. Alliance and the Japan-U.S. Alliance.

The Vice Ministers and the Deputy Secretary acknowledged their support for President Yoon’s vision of a free, peaceful and prosperous Korean Peninsula and reiterated their support for a unified Korean Peninsula that is free and at peace. The Vice Ministers and the Deputy Secretary reaffirmed their commitment to strengthening cooperation to promote human rights in the DPRK and called for the immediate resolution of the issues of abductees, detainees, and unrepatriated prisoners of war. The Vice Ministers and the Deputy Secretary expressed grave concern over deepening military cooperation between the DPRK and Russia, including arms transfers in violation of relevant UNSC resolutions. They expressed their grave concern over the DPRK’s illicit arms transfer, malicious cyber activities, and dispatch of workers abroad to fund its unlawful weapons of mass destruction and ballistic missile programs, and decided to continue our trilateral efforts focused on combatting them.

The Vice Ministers and the Deputy Secretary reaffirmed their commitment to firmly respond to any violation or evasion of UNSC resolutions on the DPRK as well as any attempt to undermine the global non-proliferation regime. In this regard, the Vice Ministers and the Deputy Secretary expressed their commitment to the Multilateral Sanctions Monitoring Team (MSMT) towards reinstating comprehensive and effective sanctions monitoring and reporting mechanism regarding UN sanctions on the DPRK.

As our respective countries are current members of the United Nations Security Council, the Vice Ministers and the Deputy Secretary committed to work together to uphold the Council’s primary responsibility for the maintenance of international peace and security. The Vice Ministers and the Deputy Secretary expressed deep concern over the deteriorating situation in the Middle East. They called on all regional players to act responsibly and with restraint, and encouraged all parties to engage constructively to de-escalate the current tensions. Condemning in the strongest possible terms Russia’s war of aggression against Ukraine, they expressed support for the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine in line with the principles of the UN Charter and reaffirmed to coordinate even more closely to support Ukraine’s energy infrastructure, recovery and reconstruction, and efforts to hold Russia accountable for its actions.

The Vice Ministers and the Deputy Secretary strongly opposed any unilateral attempts to change the status quo in the waters of the Indo-Pacific and recognized the importance of opposing unlawful maritime claims in the South China Sea. They renewed their commitment to a free and open international order based on the rule of law. They expressed their support for the global maritime order based on international law as reflected in the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS), and for the freedom of navigation and overflight. They expressed concerns about illegal, unreported, and unregulated fishing.

They reaffirmed the importance of maintaining peace and stability across the Taiwan Strait as an indispensable element of security and prosperity in the international community. They are concerned about provocative actions, particularly the recent military drills around Taiwan and they concurred that no further actions should be taken that could undermine peace and stability across the Taiwan Strait. There is no change in our basic positions on Taiwan, and we call for the peaceful resolution of cross-Strait issues.

The Vice Ministers and the Deputy Secretary renewed their commitment to deepening trilateral partnership on the economic security, and critical and emerging technology spheres. They recognized the Minerals Security Partnership (MSP) as a crucial institutional forum to accelerate the development of a diverse and sustainable critical minerals supply chain. They also welcomed the ROK’s assumption of chairmanship of the MSP and committed themselves to closely cooperate towards accelerating MSP projects. They commended the Trilateral Economic Security Dialogue for deepening trilateral engagements on economic security issues, and lauded active consultation among our overseas missions for exchanging timely information through supply chain early warning system (EWS) pilots and the scenario-based discussion in September. They concurred on the need to build upon this shared collaboration on technology security, standards, and trusted ecosystems, and decided to develop a trilateral framework to further advance our next generation technology cooperation. They acknowledged the successful launch of the Trilateral Technology Leaders Training Program in June which served to train and connect policymakers in key sectors such as semiconductors, AI, quantum technology, biotechnology, cybersecurity, energy, and space. They look forward to the ROK’s hosting of APEC in 2025 and commit to working together to achieve meaningful outcomes.

The Vice Ministers and the Deputy Secretary noted the expanding people-to-people ties between the three countries and discussed ways to continue to maintain and build upon the momentum. They applauded the successful first Trilateral Global Leadership Youth Summit and looked forward to the second Youth Summit in the Kansai region of Japan in 2025. They further expressed their support for the newly launched Young Trilateral Leaders (YTL) program, which aims to foster dialogue among each of our countries and push for concrete action by young people on our shared economic, security, and global challenges, that connected future leaders of the three countries. They also renewed their commitment to promote women’s economic empowerment including through the participation in the Trilateral Conference on Women’s Economic Empowerment that will be held in Washington D.C. later this year.

The Vice Ministers and the Deputy Secretary highlighted the progress in devising a trilateral coordinating mechanism, and reiterated their shared commitment to finalize the establishment of the trilateral coordinating mechanism by the next round of the Trilateral Summit. The Vice Ministers and the Deputy Secretary also recognized the importance of the Vice Foreign Ministerial Meeting as an effective institutional channel to further ROK-U.S.-Japan trilateral partnership and committed to continue close consultation.

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